VR allows engineers and designers to experiment easily with the look and build of a vehicle before commissioning expensive prototypes. Companies such as BMW and Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) been using VR for years to hold early design and engineering reviews to check the visual design and object obscuration of the vehicle – all before any money has been spent on physically manufacturing the parts.
VR is saving the automotive industry millions by reducing the number of prototypes built per vehicle line.
VR is gradually changing the way that architects design and experiment with their work. VR makes it possible to see not just what a building or space will look like but how it will feel.
For example, if someone was looking to add an extension to their property, they can experience the space and what it will look like before it’s physically built and then make real-time changes. This saves the customer and architect time and money, as well as increasing satisfaction on completion of the project.
Architects have been using 3D models for years but using immersive tools allows them to understand and explore the space at the deepest level possible. The BBC even have a TV show in the UK, Your Home Made Perfect, built on two rival architects showcasing designs to homeowners in VR, before they’re built in reality.
There’s nothing like a global pandemic and lockdowns to make you miss the freedom to travel to different countries, visit world-famous landmarks, and experience a glimpse into another culture.
Imagine being able to experience a guided tour of Barcelona or Budapest from your home in California or Singapore. With VR, you can do just that. You can even take a Harry Potter tour of Edinburgh from anywhere in the world!
In the post-Covid era, the developments in VR for tourism enable you to try a holiday before you buy it. Thomas Cook launched their ‘Try Before You Fly’ VR experience back in 2015, where potential holidaymakers could visit stores in various countries to experience the holiday in VR before booking it. As a result, there was a 190% uplift in New York excursions bookings after people tried the 5-minute version of the holiday in VR.
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