
Wiz Creation Is A Leading Provider Of Customized Software Solutions. Our Tailored Software Solutions Cater To The Unique Needs Of Each Organization, Ensuring An Easy And Reliable Process. With Our Specialized Expertise In Live Data Tracking Software, We Enable Organizations To Efficiently Track And Monitor Their Devices And Inventory. At Wiz Creation Pvt. Ltd., We Are Committed To Delivering Cutting-Edge Solutions That Empower Organizations With Efficient Management Software Solutions.

Our Device Management System Presents A Comprehensive Solution To The Challenges Encountered By Private Enterprises And Local Governing Bodies When It Comes To Monitoring The Utilization Of Their Whiteboard And Panel Devices. Our System Simplifies Device Registration, Automates The Tracking Of Device Usage, And Ensures Real-Time Data Uploads To Our Secure Server.

The Software We Offer Includes An Offline Data Logging Feature, Guaranteeing The Security Of Your Data, Even When Internet Connectivity Is Limited. Our Web-Based Dashboard Furnishes You With Up-To-The-Minute Data On Device Usage, Empowering You To Make Well-Informed Decisions And Proficiently Manage Your Devices.

Through The Utilization Of Our Device Management System, You Can Effortlessly Oversee Device Usage, Keep Tabs On Device Statuses, And Promptly Identify Potential Issues. This Enables You To Optimize The Utilization Of Your Devices, Enhance The Efficiency Of Your Governance, And Conserve Valuable Time And Resources. 

How we can help

Our professionals design tracking apps and software, creating a transparent environment for your organization where everything is easily traceable.

Create Software for Windows/Android based OS

Our device management system simplifies the device tracking process and offers real-time data, along with a complete usage history. Utilizing our intuitive software and comprehensive dashboard website, you can effectively manage and monitor your devices, leading to optimization and resource conservation.

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No wires, A world of experiences. Unlike anything, you’ve ever seen. No need for a Mobile and Computer system.

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1, Pujashruti Apartment,

Near Jayambenagar, Thaltej,

Ahmedabad – 380054. Gujarat (INDIA).

Contact No. : +91 9428106017.

Email : [email protected]